Blog Journal #2

 I have been using Microsoft Word for as long as I can remember. I would always look forward to going to the computer lab in elementary and seeing the walls of computers. As someone with messier handwriting, typing took away some of that insecurity and trouble I faced. Although I understand the standard is Microsoft Word, I do prefer Google Docs. Many times I have encountered a random computer crash, or lost internet connection while working on a paper on Microsoft Word, and I had ended up losing all my work. I love the fact that Google Docs saves your work automatically, and is able to be edited and reached on any computer worldwide. 

I think standard 2.4: Collaborator is the most meaningful to me. This standard talks about collaborating with both students and colleagues to improve and share ideas and solve problems. I think this is a great standard that highlights the fact that teachers shouldn't solely be learning from other teachers, but also the students in their classrooms. By encouraging constantly learning and setting the expectation that teachers should always be trying to improve themselves I think it sets the right intentions.

I do agree with the term "digital native",  and I see the value in a lot of the claims made based off this phrase. Technology has become embedded in the later generations since childhood. Kids are now given iPads before they can form whole sentences during their most formative years, so they pick up on the patterns they come across while using it. While overarching statements aren't always true, I do believe on average the "digital natives" are much more technologically savvy than the "digital immigrants", but not out of lack of ability to learn, but lack of need. I've found that older people tend to think the world has worked for so long without all of the advancements we are seeing today, and find no need in learning something confusing and new, especially if they find nothing wrong with the way it's done currently. I think that as education progresses and more "digital natives" begin teaching other "digital natives", we'll see technology integrated in ways never seen before. 

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