Blog Journal #3

 Understanding copyright and fair use rights are crucial an educator. Copyright laws are the exclusive rights to someone's intellectual property. Fair use is the approved usage of certain copyrighted material within reason. While it is okay to take inspiration from others, it is important to never steal. I would make sure that both myself and my students are making sure that any resources we might be using in our work have been changed/adapted to avoid plagiarism. 

While technology is unique teaching opportunity, it also has its issues. One potential technology implementation issue is academic dishonesty. When using technology to take quizzed or exams, it gives students the opportunity to scan the internet for answers. One solution to this is requiring a lock down browser such as HonorLock to distribute assignments. This ensures the students cannot log onto any other site, and they know they are being watched so they are encouraged to behave, Another potential issue is decreased productivity. Because of the vastness of the internet, it can be easy for students to get distracted. One potential solution for this is treating technology as a reward, after students have completed a certain amount of their work, then can then choose to complete the rest of their work online. 

I think in the future I could make my newsletter even more colorful and engaging. Maybe next time I would print it on colored paper, so the students would be able to easily identify it in their backpacks. I had never used the column feature in Word before, so now for future writing assignments I have that skill. I also had never made a shaded section in a document, so now I know an easy way to highlight important parts of a paper. 


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