Blog Journal #9

 I have experienced distance learning, specifically during peak COVID times. I liked how it made attending class more flexible, and allowed me to work more on my own pace. I however did not feel that I learned as much during those times and felt less connected. As a teacher i would make sure that all my students had equal access to the technology required to properly learn distantly. 

Open educational resources are tools that are made equally accessible to anyone who may need it, usually through websites or online documents. I found a blog post that talks about OER and questions if these resources will become the new textbooks. They also explore the impact OER has on student success, and said that the outcome is limited and mixed. They also offer the idea if OER were able to be standardized, it might help ensure the content being shared is accurate and useful.

In this week's PowerPoint assignment I learned how to use new tools I had never used before. While I knew how to record a PowerPoint slideshow, I hadn't done it in awhile so it was a good refresher. I didn't know I could create my own slide layout within PowerPoint and rename it something new, so now I can create customized PowerPoints. I also did not know that there was a section for PowerPoint handouts, nor that I could edit the notes handouts as well, so now I can give better presentations. 


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