
Showing posts from September, 2022

Blog Journal #4

 Standard LAFS.4.W.2.6 says to support students while they use technology to write and publish online and collaborate with others. I do feel prepared to implement this based on my previous experience to online writing. I used to write stories when I was in school, and I have found websites that I feel safe sharing my ideas on. I also feel well prepared because of these blog journal entries.  Th e standard I chose was to i dentify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, and a resource that went with it was original student tutorial. I think this could be an engaging opportunity to get the students to create something fun highlighting the decisions we make daily. It could be a TikTok taking you through a day in the life of a healthy person, showing all the opportunities one comes across in a day. I think this is a way to get students to use technology they are already familiar with in a scholarly way.  Internet searching is extremely important as a teacher because

Blog Journal #3

 Understanding copyright and fair use rights are crucial an educator. Copyright laws are the exclusive rights to someone's intellectual property. Fair use is the approved usage of certain copyrighted material within reason. While it is okay to take inspiration from others, it is important to never steal. I would make sure that both myself and my students are making sure that any resources we might be using in our work have been changed/adapted to avoid plagiarism.  While technology is unique teaching opportunity, it also has its issues. One potential technology implementation issue is academic dishonesty. When using technology to take quizzed or exams, it gives students the opportunity to scan the internet for answers. One solution to this is requiring a lock down browser such as HonorLock to distribute assignments. This ensures the students cannot log onto any other site, and they know they are being watched so they are encouraged to behave, Another potential issue is decreased pr

Blog Journal #2

 I have been using Microsoft Word for as long as I can remember. I would always look forward to going to the computer lab in elementary and seeing the walls of computers. As someone with messier handwriting, typing took away some of that insecurity and trouble I faced. Although I understand the standard is Microsoft Word, I do prefer Google Docs. Many times I have encountered a random computer crash, or lost internet connection while working on a paper on Microsoft Word, and I had ended up losing all my work. I love the fact that Google Docs saves your work automatically, and is able to be edited and reached on any computer worldwide.  I think standard 2.4: Collaborator is the most meaningful to me. This standard talks about collaborating with both students and colleagues to improve and share ideas and solve problems. I think this is a great standard that highlights the fact that teachers shouldn't solely be learning from other teachers, but also the students in their classrooms.