
Blog Jornal #10

I think surveys could be a great tool to use in my classroom. If I was an English teacher in high school, I think it could be a great opportunity to hear feedback from my students. I could use surveys to have them vote on which novel they would want to read next, or give any recommendations. I could also use it as a beginning of class check-in, if anyone has any problems in their personal life they want me to be aware of.  I liked hearing everyone's different opinions and thoughts on the topics we were given. I specifically liked hearing everyone's experience with distance learning. I had a bad experience and didn't feel like I learned as much, so it was comforting to hear others say they felt the same. I was also glad to see some people didn't have all bad experiences, and I was glad to know some people did learn during that time. The next technology skill I would like to learn is how to code. I think technology is continuing to have a greater presence in our lives, so

Blog Journal #9

 I have experienced distance learning, specifically during peak COVID times. I liked how it made attending class more flexible, and allowed me to work more on my own pace. I however did not feel that I learned as much during those times and felt less connected. As a teacher i would make sure that all my students had equal access to the technology required to properly learn distantly.  Open educational resources are tools that are made equally accessible to anyone who may need it, usually through websites or online documents. I found a blog post that talks about OER and questions if these resources will become the new textbooks. They also explore the impact OER has on student success, and said that the outcome is limited and mixed. They also offer the idea if OER were able to be standardized, it might help ensure the content being shared is accurate and useful. In this week's PowerPoint assignment I learned how to use new tools I had never used before. While I knew how to record a P

Blog Journal #7

  I chose my old elementary school's website to look at. There was not a lot of information openly on the page without signing in, and there were no class pages per teacher or per subject. The most information I could find about the curriculum was the math page, where it outlined the course standards for each grade. The only other real information that was accessible was the schedule of upcoming fun/important dates for students. Here  is a link to the website. I think technology is the perfect tool to use to maximize efficiency in the workplace. I use Google Calendar everyday to make sure I don't overbook myself or forget to do something. This would definitely help my productivity as I could plan out my week and also share my calendar with others. I would however separate my work calendar from my personal one for work-life balance.  I liked using Canvas because it made switching between tabs for the assignment easier because everything was in the same place. I didn't howeve

Blog Journal #6

This class has been my first introduction to Diigo. I like how it makes it easy to share with a group of people my annotations and bookmarks as I read so I don't have to constantly switch between tabs. I do not like how the Diigo icon pops up on any document I am reading, because sometimes it blocks what I need to see on my screen. I have found this feature very annoying when I am browsing the internet for my own personal use, so I disable the extension until I need it.  I have never had to blog for a class before, so this was a new experience to me. I enjoy being able to more casually discuss the topics we cover in class without feeling restricted to an MLA formatted response. It makes the work more fun and manageable. I didn't know there could be so much that could be added into a blog space, like when we added the html code or the twitter feed.  I think Google suite applications are great Web 2.0 tools that I would definitely use when teaching. I would encourage my students

Blog Journal #5

 I have been interacting with other students in EME and educators on Twitter. It has been very interesting seeing the education chats, and teachers sharing what lesson plans that work for them. I never knew so many teachers connected using Twitter, and it has been very interesting to be a part of it. I think Twitter has the opportunity to be a great part of my life and future career with or without teaching.  The digital divide can greatly impact student success in school. As we move to include technology more in education and the way students learn, it may prove to be a hinderance to underprivileged students. By requiring homework assignments online (while they may be more engaging for some of the class) those without reliable access to internet at home are put at an even grater disadvantage. Some causes of this divide are systemic racism, unequal access to state funds, redlining, and more that contribute to poverty and child neglect in the United States. As an educator if I required

Blog Journal #4

 Standard LAFS.4.W.2.6 says to support students while they use technology to write and publish online and collaborate with others. I do feel prepared to implement this based on my previous experience to online writing. I used to write stories when I was in school, and I have found websites that I feel safe sharing my ideas on. I also feel well prepared because of these blog journal entries.  Th e standard I chose was to i dentify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, and a resource that went with it was original student tutorial. I think this could be an engaging opportunity to get the students to create something fun highlighting the decisions we make daily. It could be a TikTok taking you through a day in the life of a healthy person, showing all the opportunities one comes across in a day. I think this is a way to get students to use technology they are already familiar with in a scholarly way.  Internet searching is extremely important as a teacher because

Blog Journal #3

 Understanding copyright and fair use rights are crucial an educator. Copyright laws are the exclusive rights to someone's intellectual property. Fair use is the approved usage of certain copyrighted material within reason. While it is okay to take inspiration from others, it is important to never steal. I would make sure that both myself and my students are making sure that any resources we might be using in our work have been changed/adapted to avoid plagiarism.  While technology is unique teaching opportunity, it also has its issues. One potential technology implementation issue is academic dishonesty. When using technology to take quizzed or exams, it gives students the opportunity to scan the internet for answers. One solution to this is requiring a lock down browser such as HonorLock to distribute assignments. This ensures the students cannot log onto any other site, and they know they are being watched so they are encouraged to behave, Another potential issue is decreased pr